> automotive training>IATF 16949 Automotive Lead Auditor Course

SAI Global operates as Intertek and is an Exemplar Global certified TPECS provider.

Learn the necessary skills and activities required to successfully lead a team of auditors to perform effective third-party audits of an organization’s quality management system against the newly revised Automotive Industry Quality Standard IATF 16949:2016.

This highly participative course is presented by SAI Global Assurance Learning’s instructors, each of whom have decades of experience in the automotive industry and extensive experience conducting and leading audits.

This course is based on ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016 Requirements. 

This five (5) day course immerses the participant in all aspects of conducting third-party audits of automotive quality management systems. This course will benefit experienced auditors looking to upgrade their audit skills and become familiar with the revised requirements of both ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016. Attendees of this course will learn to conduct audits to the requirements of these standards using the automotive process approach.

Utilizing the principles defined in ISO 19011, the international standard which defines the guidelines for conducting audits of management systems, participants will learn to audit to the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 9001:2015 using fundamental process-based auditing techniques. The course leads the participants through the entire audit cycle: Initiation, Planning, Conducting, Evaluation, Reporting and Follow up.
The course employs a variety of teaching methods including interactive workshops, simulated audits situations, tutorials and case studies. These methods facilitate the development of the necessary skills to plan, lead and conduct a third-party audits including:

  1. Develop practical audit skills to facilitate value-added audits
  2. Enhance evaluation and communication skills necessary to conduct effective audits,
  3. Refine reporting skills to document value-added audit findings, and
  4. Validate corrective actions for effectiveness

This training course concentrates primarily on the methodology required to conduct external third-party audits. The course utilizes the newly revised IATF16949:2016 as the reference standard for Automotive Quality Management Systems. By attending this course, participants will gain an understanding how to audit using the automotive process approach, as well as the ability to audit the customer-specific requirements defined by the OEM’s. This course requires active participation by the attendees and includes a continuous assessment of attendee understanding of the course content. At the end of the course, each participant will be asked to complete a written examination. This examination will be used to determine if participants have met the knowledge requirements for this course.

  • Individuals who desire to become Exemplar Global Certified Lead Auditors
  • Individuals leading their companies through the transition from ISO/TS 16949:2009 to IATF 16949:2016
  • Individuals who wish to improve their auditing skills
  • Individuals who want to become more familiar with ISO 9001:2015 and or IATF 16949:2016 in order to perform evaluations of their processes
  • Individuals responsible for performing audits of their suppliers
  • Individuals who manage the internal audit process for their organizations
  • Current internal auditors who wish to upgrade their skills
  • How to develop, implement and maintain an effective audit program
  • Discussion of the automotive process approach and its relevance to customer satisfaction and business performance
  • Interpreting the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 in the context of an audit
  • Key principles of planning and controlling audits
  • How audits fit into the overall quality management system
  • The role of leadership in the review of effectiveness and efficiency of the overall automotive quality management system
  • The relationship between ISO 9001 and IATF 16949
  • Developing effective process-based auditing techniques
  • Development of process-based auditor working documents (i.e. checklists)
  • Practicing process-based auditing skills
  • Evaluating the consequence and significance of audit findings and their impact on business performance / customer satisfaction
  • Development of communication skills and techniques necessary for the presentation of audit findings
  • Writing value-added nonconformity statements
  • Developing, implementing and verifying corrective actions
  • Relationship of the core quality tools (FMEA, PPAP, MSA, APQP, SPC) to IATF 16949
  • Understand and apply the 5th edition of Automotive Certification Scheme for IATF 16949
  • Proper auditor behaviors during the performance of audits
  • The roles and responsibilities of the audit team leader and audit team members
  • Content and structure of a documented quality system
  • How to improve interviewing techniques and reporting skills
  • Communicate audit findings (e.g., nonconformity reports, opportunities for improvement, etc.)
  • Completion of relevant audit summary reports
  • This course has been completely revised to meet the requirements for Lead Auditors of Automotive Quality Management Systems defined in IATF 16949:2016. The standard contains significantly enhanced requirements from the earlier version of automotive quality standard ISO/TS 16949:2009. In addition, many new requirements, including common customer-specific requirements have been included in the IATF 16949 standard itself. Auditors of Automotive Quality Management Systems are required to fully understand these requirements and their implications to their organizations.
  • Organizations that are currently registered to ISO/TS 16949:2009 must complete their transition to IATF 16949:2016 by September 2018 or they run the risk of having their registration lapse which could have implications on their ability to continue as an approved supplier to the OEM’s.
  • This new revision has expanded the requirement for suppliers to automotive industry to become registered to IATF 16949:2016 rather than simply demonstrate conformance as in the past. These requirements pertain to any organization that performs design and development, production and when relevant, installation and service of automotive-related products.
  • Audits of suppliers is a new requirement of IATF 16949:2016. The audit methods and principles learned in this course are directly applicable to supplier auditing. Specific situations where supplier auditing may differ from internal audits will also be discussed during the course.


SAI Global is an Exemplar Global certified TPECS provider.  Attendees who successfully demonstrate competence during this course will receive a Certificate of Attainment for the following knowledge competency units:

  • Exemplar Global – AUTO – IATF 16949:2016
  • Exemplar Global – AU – Management systems auditing
  • Exemplar Global – TL – Leading management systems audit teams

The following prior knowledge is strongly recommended for all attendees:

  • A basic knowledge of the concepts of quality management, process management as utilized in the automotive industry, continual performance improvement, customer satisfaction and sustainable business success.
  • Understanding of quality management terms and definitions employed in the ISO 9000 series of standards.
  • Working knowledge of ISO/TS 16949:2009 prior to attending the course.
  • Full understanding of the process of conducting audits, possibly as an internal auditor or a supplier auditor. Ideally attendees will have performed several audits to ISO 9001:2015 or ISO/TS 16949:2009 prior to attending the course.

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